A Comfy Evening in November


He took a pause to listen to the candle crackling softly by the sink, and grabbed his plain white towel from the rack. 9:00 pm, one week after he had sat with his wife by the fireplace and watched the results roll in.

Ben dried off and wrapped himself in his towel. He stepped out of the shower and glanced out the window and, for a moment, watched the light snow flurry gently covering the grass outside. He took a relaxed breath.

Ben walked toward the mirror and put some toothpaste on his brush. The room was a bit chilly, even as the steam cleared, so he put on his white wool bathrobe. Then he picked up his toothbrush.

Ben looked in the mirror and brushed. He had felt relieved for the past week. America had spoken.

He had no reason to fret. His candidate, in the face of harsh words and embattled opponents, had taken the win. Ben felt that he was truly on the side of the people he wanted to lead.

Ben grabbed a little plastic cup from the small stack on the counter, and rinsed his mouth. He looked in the mirror and smiled. “Listening,” he said softly. “I said it was about listening. Find the people who want what’s best, and find the people who know what’s best. And just listen to both. Help when you can. That’s where the good comes from.”

He had done just that. Ben was at peace. He blew out the candle and walked into the bedroom, leaving the door open behind him.

Cathy was with her bridge group from church for the night. The room was quiet and still, and he was alone with his thoughts. The snow grew heavier outside and the neighborhood grew silent. A warm glow shined from the streetlamps below. As the light, smoky fall fragrance from the extinguished candle wafted through the air, he laid down in his robe. There was always more work to do, but for now, it was time to rest.

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